by Umberto Salsi

You are visiting www.icosaedro.it, my personal WEB site constantly under construction. This page lists all the resources that are available in English language and that may be of some interest to the worldwide public. Programs that are packaged in their stable version are available in their respective base page. More recent updates are also available directly from the CVS Server.


Risorse disponibili in lingua italiana.


Contact Form
A contact form to drop me a quick message along with references for regular e-mail.

CVS Server
Direct access to the public repository of this WEB site: browse sources and documents, download the latest version of the main programs.

Full site map
Complete list of all the available resources.

Smartphone Recharge Time or how to extend the life of the battery of your smartphone by using a cheap constant voltage charger. Circuital model, formulas and charts also provided.

Celestial Navigation
Educational pages about how to determine our position on the Earth by observing the stars, how to read the ephemeris tables, and howto build an astrolabe made of cardboard; the theory behind and practical calculations.

ACM 6.0
Lightweight flight simulator for Linux 32 and 64 bits and Windows, Europe and USA sceneries with navigation charts, multi-player capabilities through the DIS protocol, GPL source license.

Modular programming in C
How C programs can be structured in reusable, well documented modules.

PHP sources validator, also including libraries for web programming, database access, utilities; PHP from 5.6 up to 7.2 supported.

EBNF syntax checker and formatter.

Password Generator
Secure password generator working locally on your computer and using cryptographically secure random number generator.

You may also contact these email addresses to get banned from my server: info, user, user, user, user, user, user, user, user, user, user, user.

That's all by now!
$ logout


Latest Updates

2024-03-12 BNF_CHK: the BNF validator and formatter is now available in its JavaScript implementation that runs locally on your computer.
2022-10-13 Smartphone Battery Recharge Time: extend the life of the battery of your smartphone.
2021-10-31 Password Generator: updated to support arbitrary sets of characters or syllables defined by the user.
2021-04-16 Egg Timer, a simple cooking timer.
2021-03-26 ACM-6.0 flight simulator: Debian executable package available.
2020-04-16 ACM-6.0 flight simulator: released version 6.0_20200416 with important updates and bugs fixed.
2020-04-13 ACM-6.0 flight simulator: a DIS protocol relay server is available at castorino.icosaedro.it:3000.
2020-03-08 PHPLint: version 4.2.0_20200308 released.
2020-03-06 Password Generator working locally on your computer and using the secure cryptographic random generator of your browser.
2020-01-20 Credit card number normalization, formatting and validation routines available in PHP and JavaScript.
2020-01-20 IBAN normalization, formatting and validation routines available in PHP and JavaScript.
2019-06-24 Locate celestial bodies in the sky with ephemerides: how to read the ephemeris of Sun, planets and stars and how to locate them in the sky by using a magnetic compass and our astrolabe.
2019-02-06 PHPLint: version 4.0_20190206 released.
2018-11-24 Celestial Navigation at Home: how to determine your own position on the Earth by using simple tools available at home and some calculation.
2018-08-27 Generating arbitrary statistical distributions using the PHPLint Random class (article).
2018-07-27 E-mail: composing, sending and parsing with the PHPLint Mailer class (tutorial).
2018-07-27 PHPLint: version 3.2_20180727 released.
2018-07-25 ACM-6.0 flight simulator: fixed sources formatting to compile under newer GCC 6 and GCC 7.
2018-04-16 PHPLint: version 3.1_20180416 released with support for PHP 7.2 and new libraries for web programming and SQL access.

Note book

- Astonishing IEEE 754: try this in JS, PHP, C# or your preferred programming language:

    0.57 - 0.56 → 0.009999999999999898
    0.57 - 0.56 == 0.01 → false
    0.57 - 0.56 - 0.01 → -1.0234868508263162e-16
    0.01 * (-1) * 0 → -0
Surprised? That's why 90% of the applications and probably 99.99% of the web applications do not need and should never use floating point numbers; it they do, it is a bug.

COPYRIGHT 2019 by icosaedro.it di Umberto Salsi, Bologna (ITALY) - E-mail salsi@icosaedro.it - WEB www.icosaedro.it - LICENSE: all the material presented on this site (papers, documents, programs, etc.) is freely available for any usage, except where otherwise stated. - DISCLAIMER: although maximum care has been taken, the informations, the programs and the other material presented in this WEB site are offered "as is", without any any warranty, expressed or implied.

Umberto Salsi
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An abstract of the latest comments from the visitors of this page follows. Please, use the Comments link above to read all the messages or to add your contribute.

2023-10-09 by Guest
Thanks for your article.
Thank you for your article about modular programming in C, it is helping me too much. From Brazil, cheers.[more...]

2016-03-08 by Guest
i literally cant even read this site
ugliest website i ever did see[more...]

2008-03-05 by Guest
about this site
Give some introduction about the site that, for what purpose is this site being available on net? what are the basic contents, and options available to the viewers of this site, u should provide a menu too.. That's it.......[more...]