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Star Relative Location Computer

Updated: 2019-06-23

Local Position

Latitude: DEG (positive North)
Longitude: DEG (positive West, or 0-360 for GHA)
Magnetic Variation: DEG (positive East)

Star Position

Latitude: DEG (positive North)
Longitude: DEG (positive West, or 0-360 for GHA)

Star Relative Location ← handy link to bookmark current form data

Computed Relative Position of the Star

Magnetic Azimuth: ? DEG
Elevation: ? DEG (below the horizon if negative)

This page is part of the article How to locate the celestial bodies in the sky; there you may find out what this calculator page does and how it can be used to determine the position of a celestial body in the sky by using our astrolabe and a magnetic compass. You may save this page locally on your computer for off-line usage. Comments to this page are disabled to keep it short; please add your comments to the page of the article instead.