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 Controllo del codice fiscale e della partita IVA



// This source code is now part of the PHPLint project, see:
// http://cvs.icosaedro.it:8080/viewvc/public/phplint/stdlib/it/icosaedro/web
// Test code also available under the test/ directory of that project.

namespace it\icosaedro\web;

/*. require_module 'core'; require_module 'ctype'; require_module 'pcre'; .*/

 * Italian Codice Fiscale normalization, formatting and validation routines.
 * A <u>regular CF</u> is composed by 16 among letters and digits; the last
 * character is always a letter representing the control code.
 * A <u>temporary CF</u> could also be assigned; a temporary CF is composed of
 * 11 digits, the last digit being the control code.
 * Examples: MRORSS00A00A000U, 12345678903.
 * @author Umberto Salsi <salsi@icosaedro.it>
 * @version $Date: 2020/01/23 10:35:20 $
class CodiceFiscale {
	 * Normalizes a CF by removing white spaces and converting to upper-case.
	 * Useful to clean-up user's input and to save the result in the DB.
	 * @param string $cf Raw CF, possibly with spaces.
	 * @return string Normalized CF.
	static function normalize($cf)
		$cf = (string) str_replace(" ", "", $cf);
		$cf = (string) str_replace("\t", "", $cf);
		$cf = (string) str_replace("\r", "", $cf);
		$cf = (string) str_replace("\n", "", $cf);
		$cf = strtoupper($cf);
		return $cf;
	 * Returns the formatted CF. Currently does nothing but normalization.
	 * @param string $cf Raw CF, possibly with spaces.
	 * @return string Formatted CF.
	static function format($cf)
		return self::normalize($cf);
	 * Validates a regular CF.
	 * @param string $cf Normalized, 16 characters CF.
	 * @return string NULL if valid, or string describing why this CF must be
	 * rejected.
	private static function validate_regular($cf)
		if( preg_match("/^[0-9A-Z]{16}\$/sD", $cf) !== 1 )
			return "Invalid characters.";
		$s = 0;
		for( $i = 0; $i < 15; $i++ ){
			$c = $cf[$i];
			if( ctype_digit($c) )
				$n = ord($c) - ord('0');
				$n = ord($c) - ord('A');
			if( ($i & 1) == 0 )
				$n = ord($even_map[$n]) - ord('A');
			$s += $n;
		if( $s%26 + ord("A") !== ord($cf[15]) )
			return "Invalid checksum.";
		return NULL;
	 * Validates a temporary CF.
	 * @param string $cf Normalized, 11 characters CF.
	 * @return string NULL if valid, or string describing why this CF must be
	 * rejected.
	private static function validate_temporary($cf)
		if( preg_match("/^[0-9]{11}\$/sD", $cf) !== 1 )
			return "Invalid characters.";
		$s = 0;
		for( $i = 0; $i < 11; $i++ ){
			$n = ord($cf[$i]) - ord('0');
			if( ($i & 1) == 1 ){
				$n *= 2;
				if( $n > 9 )
					$n -= 9;
			$s += $n;
		if( $s % 10 != 0 )
			return "Invalid checksum.";
		return NULL;
	 * Verifies the basic syntax, length and control code of the given CF.
	 * @param string $cf Raw CF, possibly with spaces.
	 * @return string NULL if valid, or string describing why this CF must be
	 * rejected.
	static function validate($cf)
		$cf = self::normalize($cf);
		if( strlen($cf) == 0 )
			return "Empty.";
		else if( strlen($cf) == 16 )
			return self::validate_regular($cf);
		else if( strlen($cf) == 11 )
			return self::validate_temporary($cf);
			return "Invalid length.";

Vedi il codice come puro testo.

Umberto Salsi
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2019-01-31 by alberto fauro
Migliorie alla regex
il pattern ^[0-9A-Z]{16}$ può essere migliorato usando ^[A-Z]{6}[0-9LMNPQRSTUV]{2}[ABCDEHLMPRST]{1}[0-9LMNPQRSTUV]{2}[A-Z]{1}[0-9LMNPQRSTUV]{3}[A-Z]{1}$ che tiene conto delle sostituzioni valide delle cifre con lettere nel caso di omocodie [more...]